Verdicts and Outcomes - Page
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BRGS Attorneys Win Summary Dismissal of Deputy City Attorney’s Claims of Gender Discrimination/Unequal Pay and Retaliation
Major Victory for Religious Institutions in U.S. Supreme Court
NLRB Victory for Hospitality Employer!
BRGS Attorneys Persuade D.C. Circuit to Overturn NLRB Decision in Wrongful Discharge Case
Jordan Et Al. v. City of Los Angeles
BRGS Attorneys Win Summary Dismissal of Discrimination Claims of Employee Who Was Discharged for Excessive Absenteeism
BRGS Lawyers Earn Dismissal of Wrongful Termination Lawsuit and Court Holds That BRGS’s Client Is Entitled to Recovery of Its Attorneys’ Fees.
Labor Commissioner Denies Outsides Salespersons’ Unpaid Wages Claim in Its Entirety
Private Labor Arbitration Award, June 2017
Ballard Rosenberg Golper & Savitt Obtains Summary Adjudication Ruling Disposing of Major Portions of Lawsuit Alleging Age and Disability Discrimination