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BRGS Managing and Founding Partner Richard S. Rosenberg Was Invited by Withum to Deliver a Webinar on June 28

BRGS managing and founding partner Richard S. Rosenberg was invited by Withum, a major accountancy firm with offices throughout the U.S., to deliver a webinar on June 28, 2022 regarding a topic that is of critical interest to every cannabis license holder. The Webinar is called: “ Is There A Union In Your Future? Understanding Cannabis Industry Labor Peace Requirements”.

Labor peace requirements instilled by state legislators will materially change U.S. cannabis businesses. California, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia are already requiring players in the cannabis market to enter a Labor Peace Agreement (LPA) as a condition to licensing. At least five other states and many municipalities do not require an LPA, but instead offer preferential treatment in a competitive licensing process to those who have signed one.

Richard Rosenberg has extensive experience representing cannabis companies in connection with their LPA negotiations. He explained what signing an LPA really means for your business now and into the future. Please click here to watch the webinar.
